domenica 6 agosto 2023



It is well known in America that basic education and culture are alas of a very low standard if you cannot afford a good college.
In fact, it often happens that Americans confuse the term LATINOS referring to Central and Southern Americans with the term LATINS referring instead to the Romance-speaking European populations (Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, French and Romanians) which refers to the origin of the LATIN language of the ancient Romans originally from the LAZIO region (LATIUM in Latin). The two things are very different but Americans often confuse them: the native Americans of indigenous Mayan or Inca or Aztec culture (or others) were first colonized starting from the end of the 15th century by the Spanish and Portuguese and for this reason today they speak the Spanish or Portuguese speaking and have acquired Iberian cultural aspects. But these populations called precisely LATINOS have nothing to do with the European LATINS. Their appearance is oriental as the American populations in ancient times arrived from Siberia with pronounced cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes and little hair in the males. Certainly they mixed with the colonizers or with the African slaves but today they are not European Caucasians like Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese or French and their DNA is different from the European one.

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